Blog Audit: Reflection

May 08, 2018

Now that this blogging assignment is done, I can say that while it was sometimes difficult at times, I did find it enjoyable. The main aspect that I enjoyed the most was the design aspect. I love to be creative, so I found choosing the layouts and the fonts of the blog template to be super fun. I also enjoy photography, so it was a great excuse to use some of my previous photography work. This blog is also a great way for me to look back at some of my favorite memories. All of my posts involved my boyfriend and our relationship in some way or another. I wanted to stick to that because his and I’s relationship is the deepest in comparison to other relationships like me and my mom.

The majority of my posts discussed our relationship in a general form. I did not go into details of a specific event (with the exception of two or three posts). Instead, I discussed things such as our personalities in general, how I acted when I was younger, etc. I am generally more of a reserved person, so I’m not surprised that many entries did not go into intimate events. As I was reading through my posts, it brought back some moments that I had forgotten about. I remember vividly being at Market Place and saw blue moon ice cream in the frozen food section. I immediately added it to my cart to buy for my boyfriend since it is his favorite ice cream. I remember trying it for the first time with him and thinking it tasted like almonds. He thought I was a little crazy for thinking that. Turns out, after that night, he told me it was not his favorite ice cream any more. This is not the first time that he has done something like that. He told me that one of his favorite movies is The Notebook. After we watched it together he once again changed his mind about it being one of his favorites.

Another post that sparked some memories was the one mentioning that late night water fiasco. I was thirsty one night last year and was too lazy to go down to the vending machine, so I asked my boyfriend if he would be so kind to go downstairs and get me a beverage. I remember him being so mad that I asked him. To me it was no big deal. He was raised though to fetch his own belongings if he wanted something. To this day, he still has yet to forget it. We do not normally fight, but if we do, it is normally stupid like a stupid bottle of water.
Overall, I really enjoyed this project. It was fun to apply class lectures to my every day life and experiences. I think it helped me retain the information better as well. Instead of just merely memorizing the class lectures notes, I was able to connect it to real life examples.

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  1. This reflection component requires students to really take a step back and look at their blogs entries with a different, grander view ("the big picture"), which is exactly what you did. Bravo for offering such a comprehensive and thoughtful reflection! I am so, so happy for you that this semester-long blogging project was something you found worthwhile and personally meaningful. Perhaps you'll consider continuing your blog on your own - using it for whatever you need it to be. You have successfully met the criteria to earn full points on your reflection (5 points). Great job with this! It was an honor for me to read your deepest thoughts, feelings, experiences, and insights in this format. Thank you for your willingness to share so much of yourself.


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